Shoutout to Curtis Shumaker
I’d like to give special recognition to New York actor and acting coach Curtis Shumaker. Curtis acts for stage and screen (eg. Mrs. America, The Blacklist) and voiceover for [...]
I’d like to give special recognition to New York actor and acting coach Curtis Shumaker. Curtis acts for stage and screen (eg. Mrs. America, The Blacklist) and voiceover for [...]
I had a fun audition read with New York actor Josh Hemphill the other day. Born in New Jersey, Josh has been performing for most of his life in [...]
One of the things that's fun about using WeAudition to record my self-taped auditions is meeting other actors from all over the world. I had one of those experiences [...]
I just finished five days in the recording studio with Nashville Audio Productions for the narration of The Keeper by New York Times Best Selling author Charles Martin!I got to [...]
Ya’ll. I did one of those self-tape auditions where the memory card stopped recording in the middle of my performance and I didn’t realize it until I ended the [...]
This is Britt Allen. Britt is an Australian actor, television host, dancer, and model (what can't the woman do?!) now living in Texas. I had the privilege of having her [...]
The audiobook Son of Man by Charles Martin and narrated by yours truly is now available. The book is a collection of 20 short stories pulled from his earlier works What [...]
Hey, ya’ll. This talented actress and model is Gina James. She is based in Toronto and recently read for me for a self-taped audition on [...]
Woot-woot! I just booked a recording project as the narrator for the upcoming audiobook The Keeper by New York Times Best Selling author Charles Martin. This will be my 7th [...]
What a joy to reconnect with actor and filmmaker Megan Zerga on a recent audition! She was awesome. I was a creeper. Megan is the [...]
THE RUNDOWN As a young singer, fresh out of college with a music degree from one of the most prestigious music schools in the South, I sang [...]
I received a text message over the weekend that a colleague saw me in The Clovehitch Killer. She didn't know that I was in it and I didn't know [...]
The Scam Ad I saw this ad the other morning during my workout while I was watching CBS Sunday Morning's YouTube channel. It featured Jennifer Aniston selling MacBooks at [...]
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee speaks at a press release in Nashville regarding the ELVIS Act. Photo by Stephanie Amador of The Tennessean. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced [...]
I voted "YES" on the proposed 2023 SAG-AFTRA TV/Theatrical contract. Here are my reasons. SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland First, I trust our [...]
Image by Freepik Woot-woot! I just booked a modeling shoot in Columbus, OH. Shoutout to Kenny Packer and Heyman Talent. Thanks, Kenny! Stay tuned for details. [...]
PROPOSED TENNESSEE STATE CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT 1 as stated on the November 8, 2022 ballot Early voting has begun in Tennessee and I cast my ballot [...]
My latest audiobook, The Record Keeper is now available on or wherever you get your audiobooks! This action-packed Contemporary Christian Romance (so-called by Amazon) is written by New [...]
Woot-woot! I just booked a recording project as the narrator for The Record Keeper by New York Times Best Selling author Charles Martin. This will be my fifth book [...]
My latest audiobook, The Letter Keeper is now available on or wherever you get your audiobooks! This action-packed Christian adventure/romance is written by New York Times best selling [...]
I'm excited to announce that I've booked a recording project as narrator of The Letter Keeper by New York Times Best Selling author Charles Martin. This will be my [...]
I gotta practice this look from Ben Stiller in Zoolander! I’m excited to announce that I booked a modeling job in Louisville, KY this week. A very [...]
#8 on CCM Magazine's "100 Greatest Albums in Christian Music" (2001) 1992's Grammy for Best Contemporary Folk Album I suppose I first heard of T [...]
Last week I recorded the audiobook narration for The Dead Don't Dance by Charles Martin and published by Thomas Nelson, an imprint of Harper Collins. This is how it [...]
I'm excited to announce that I booked a recording project as a narrator with Nashville Audio Productions and New York Times Best Selling author Charles Martin. Sessions begins next [...]
If you walk onto a set, you have to talk the talk. – from Movie Speak: How to Talk Like You Belong on a Film Set by Tony Bill [...]
Secret deodorant has a new ad campaign (#allstrengthnosweat) featuring inspirational female celebrities. And me. Just kidding, but I am here if you keep your eyes peeled. When I told [...]
I want YOU to come see us Christmas carol! Happy Holidays, ya'll! Caroling season officially kicks off for me tonight as I sing with the American Caroling [...]
In this episode of Conversations with Mother, I explain how I've been driving for Uber.
In this episode of Conversations with Mother, I'm asked if I'm going to sing at my daughter's upcoming wedding.
I'm excited to announce that I booked (and filmed) a commercial in Cincinnati (thanks for the love, Cincinnati) that will be used on the world wide webs. ;) Small [...]
In this first episode of Conversations with Mother, I explain to my mother what Airbnb is. Click here for $30 off your first Airbnb visit and to give [...]
True belonging is not passive. It’s not the belonging that comes with just joining a group. It’s not fitting in or pretending or selling out because its safer. It’s [...]
Here we come a-caroling! It's that time of year again when I rock a Victorian vest and top hat as if it's [...]
Behind the Scenes* Dylan McDermott in The Clovehitch Killer In the fall of 2016, my talent agent notified me of a film being shot in Louisville. The [...]
Obligatory group photo from Anthony Meindl's 2018 Atlanta workshop Anthony Meindl I recently attended a two-day Anthony Meindl workshop. Anthony Meindl is a well-known [...]
You cannot possibly get every role you audition for, so don't put that kind of pressure on yourself. ... Your job is to go in, time and time again, [...]
Here we come a-caroling! I am an unapologetic Christmas music nerd and in 2017 I sang my fifth caroling season with The [...]
nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight – from "Lovers in a Dangerous Time" by Bruce Cockburn [...]
The Pickler & Ben Show I got to sing with The American Caroling Company for a studio taping of the Pickler & Ben show. It airs Monday, November 20 [...]
Behind the Scenes* Last March I was cast in a made-for-TV movie whose working title was Momster. It's a continuation in my series of films of grown women behaving badly [...]
Behind the Scenes* Last August, I self-taped an audition for a non-speaking commercial role for Western & Southern [...]
The most fascinating option wins. Everything else goes extinct. – from Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist by Sally Hogshead I [...]
Behind the Scenes* Hey, ya'll, I'm in the Fall 2017 Bed, Bath, & Beyond catalog! I drove to Columbus, OH for a quick day in May [...]
Behind the Scenes* I recently appeared on an Internet marketing video for a healthcare app. The spot was produced by Clif Sneed and directed by Kemp Lyons from Cincinnati-based [...]
I'm excited to announce that I booked a commercial shoot next week. It shoots in Cincinnati and will be used in Ohio and on the internet. More detail to [...]
I'm excited to announce that I booked an acting job next week. It's a public service announcement. It shoots here in Nashville and will be used in Alabama. I [...]
Behind the Scenes*Tranquility Base was a short film that I was a part of in 2015. It tells the story of a war veteran suffering from PTSD and the love of [...]
Behind the Scenes* w/ Dir. Geoffrey Proud and actor Derrick Dee Drake I first worked with Geoffrey Proud, Flower Hulihan, and Lusid Media in 2015 for Murder [...]
Series Premiere There's a new show on Investigation Discovery and I'm in the series premiere. Murder by Numbers re-enacts the true crimes of serial killers and the detectives on [...]
I'm excited to announce that I booked an acting job in Cincinatti, OH! A very special thank-you to my agent Heyman Talent for pitching me. This is a commercial [...]
Behind the Scenes A commercial I shot earlier this year is now airing! I had the opportunity to work with Williams Randall Ad Agency and the Indiana Office of [...]
I'm excited to announce that I booked a modeling job in Columbus, OH this week. A very special thank-you to my KY agent, Heyman Talent. I will post here [...]
I was challenged recently by Bonnie Gillespie to make a video that answers the question "so, tell me about yourself." I mention my brother Jeff in this video. He's [...]
Many times when hired for a shoot, an actor is not allowed to publicly share the details. This is to protect the marketing plans of the project and to [...]
Many times when hired for a shoot, an actor is not allowed to publicly share the details. This is to protect the marketing plans of the project and to [...]
What fun it was to reunite with the director and some of the cast from Remember the Goal, a faith-based film about a new coach of a girls cross-country team [...]
This week C-Spire released a new commercial spot that contains some footage I did with them last fall kayaking the Strong River in Jackson, MS. You can read my behind-the-scenes [...]
I did a quick video shoot for Interlogix for their booth at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. This is an annual gathering of high-tech companies and [...]