(Photo by Mountain Heart as posted on Facebook). Here in Nashville we’ve had an eventful weekend that’s shaken many of us to the core. If you haven’t heard, we had severe floods brought on by 13 inches of rain over a 2-day period. The last death count I heard was 12, but authorities are afraid they’re not through counting.
As for me, I rode out the storm solo with my kids while my wife was on a girlfriend-getaway to Florida. We made it with little difficulty. Thankfully, I backed out of a worship leading appointment two hours away, which would have put my babysitter at risk and my kids without their mother or father during Sunday’s downpour. Instead, we tried to go to our local church service. My daughter and I are going on a mission trip this summer. This Sunday was to be the bake sale fundraiser. Needless to say, it was not a success. (You want a cupcake? I’ve got ’em coming out my ears!).
Many are much less fortunate. Homes were lost and many, many homeowners are without flood insurance. (Damage included areas not traditionally thought of as flood prone). Today, many of us are working from home as some roads are still impassable and schools are closed. But as I’ve far as I’ve been able to tell everyone at LifeWayWorship.com is fine.
Please pray for us. Not only that we’ll be OK and have dry shelter, but that we’ll have the grace, strength, and wisdom to serve our families, friends, and the Nashville community well.
“The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Praise the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).
Read more about the flood on Google News, Ed Stetzer, and Twubs. Here’s one way you can help.
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We are going to need supernatural help to recover from this.
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