national-worship-leader-conferenceLast week I had the privilege of going to Leawood, KS for the National Worship Leader Conference.  The conference seemed to offer a lot of great workshops from “Worship, the fruit of our lives” to a songwriting clinic with Tommy WalkerScotty Smith from Christ Community in Franklin, TN spoke as did Greg Laurie, David Nasser, and others.  Mostly, I worked in the LifeWay Worship booth, but I did get to participate in worship services led by The David Crowder Band, Leeland, and Donnie MClurkin.  One of the more meaningful moments was with Travis Cotrell.  His band stopped and he kept singing, worshiping, then praying and saying “our people need to be served, not impressed.”

I met some great folks at and learned how powerful Twitter and Twitter hashtags can be at an event like this.  For the uninitiated, a hashtag acts like a code on the end of a tweet.  This code then flags (tags) the tweet for a particular subject.  For example, the hashtag of the conference was #NWLC09.  (Note the tag always begins with a “#.”  I grew up calling this a pound sign, but it is also known as a hash mark).  Using Twitter, I can then post a message (tweet) saying something like:  “Come by the LifeWay Worship booth for free guitar picks. #NWLC09.”  By using a service like Twubs or Visible Tweets, other users can follow #NWLC09 and see my message.  It’s really quite powerful and, at least at this conference, it was used all the time.  People would tweet about a band, a class, even quoting the sermon while it was being delivered.  (You can see these tweets here).

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