My daughter and I are planning to go on a mission trip this July to serve on staff at the Sozo Festival in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. The Sozo Festival is a 3-day gathering to equip and train young leaders (and future leaders!) of the European Church by promoting cultural and denominational reconciliation and unity within the global body of Christ.

My first opportunity to be on this staff was in Hungary in 2002.  One of my pastors and his daughter went with us.  I spoke with my him and he talked about how great it was to have her along for the trip.  His daughter was a teenager at the time and it was her second overseas missions trip (her first was when she was 10).  I thought to myself how great it would be to bring my daughter (I only had one at the time) overseas before she’s a teenager, to instill in her a love for the nations and a biblical worldview before conflicting ideas compete for her heart. … And you know, while it’s still great fun to go anywhere with Daddy!

… Well, she turns 12 this April.  How time flies! If we were going to do it before she becomes a teenager, this is the year.  Still, I wondered if we could, if we should, and what exactly she would do. As it turns out (if you believe in things just “turning out”), one of her choir directors is also going to direct a “Children’s School of Worship” for the children in attendance.  My daughter has been a part of this program at our church since kindergarten, will graduate from it this spring, and the director would love to have her serve as the director’s assistant.  Perfect.  (If you’re wondering, I will be involved with the worship teams and all of the “whatever-else-comes-alongs” that these trips always bring up).

All of this makes my heart go thumpety-thump! Here’s the catch:  to make this trip a reality, we need to raise $5200.  Would you be willing to pray and ask if you can be a part of our team of supporters by making a $50 – $100 donation? If so, check out our donation page.  Either way, thank you so much for taking the time to visit this site and praying for us.

Read more posts about the Sozo Festival mission trip.


  1. wade watkins January 8, 2011 at 12:02 pm - Reply

    Hi Jonathan,
    I was searching for support letters on google and your blog came up as one of the top 20 links. The father-daughter mission trip title caught my eye because I used to work full-time for an incredible ministry, JH Ranch, that does Father – Daughter programs. Check out their website, . If you are looking for activities to bond with your daughter doing fun activities such as whitewater rafting, ropes courses, horseback rides while growing in your relationship with God, JH Ranch would be a wonderfule place.

    For more info about me you can read my bio at


    • Jonathan January 9, 2011 at 4:08 pm - Reply

      Thanks for the info, Wade and for stopping by.

  2. Fred McKinnon April 7, 2010 at 9:56 am - Reply

    Man, this sounds awesome. I can’t wait to take my kids on some trips! They need to get a little bit older!

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