
To erase the possibility of empathy is to erase the possibility of art. Theater, fiction, horror stories, love stories. This is what art does. Good or bad, it imagines the insides, the heart of the other, whether that heart is full of light or trapped in darkness. – Amanda Palmer in The Art of Asking

I recently finished Amanda Palmer’s audiobook The Art of Asking: or how I learned to stop worrying and let people helpI learned about Amanda through the press during the success of her Kickstarter campaign (a record $1m) and her volunteer musicians controversy. She continues to be a fascinating artist.

I’m sure it’s a good read, but I particularly enjoyed the audio version. I listened on my runs and in the car. The audio version has songs throughout to underscore her themes (“Ukulele Anthem” was my personal favorite).

The book is an expansion of her TED Talk. The Art of Asking details Amanda’s life as a performance artist: from her time as a living statue, her stint as a stripper, the making of the Dresden Dolls, her solo career, her experience being picked up and dropped by a major record label, to her respected trailblazing career as an independent music artist. So much more than her life’s highlight reel though, Amanda shares her personal growth all along the way.

In exposing her strength and (perhaps more importantly) her weaknesses, Amanda has much to say regarding the risk and rewards of vulnerability, human connection, love, and community life. Great lessons for all of us. This is a beautiful book written by a beautiful artist.

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