Palestrina Boys Choir. Photo credit
The poor church choir. For many, it symbolizes a stuck-in-a-rut, irrelevant, and out of date model of Sunday morning worship. Still for others, choir is a weekly event and is an integral part of the largest productions of the church year. I sang in choirs for a good decade and enjoyed them immensely, especially during my collegiate years.
Our church rarely uses a choir and to be honest, I don’t miss it. However, it is interesting that their seems to be such a rising interest in singing in our culture (insert your choice of reality TV competition here) and I came across an interesting article from The Independent the other day on the rise of children’s choirs.
It’s a myth that choral singing is something that only older or middle-aged people do. – Robin Osterley, head of Making Music
Over to you: What’s your opinion of the church choir? If you’re a worship leader, how do you use a choir? And what about children’s choirs?
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